Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Namaste. Tomorrow I leave for India; I suppose that it's hard to believe that the time has finally come, but at the same time it has certainly been waited for long enough. I'm very excited for the plane ride tomorrow! The length of the trip (26 hrs) doesn't bother me at all, although I might think different by the time I finally arrive :)

It would have been nice to have more time at home this summer; it seems that whenever I leave there's a part of me that just wants to remain put here in Wexford. I suppose it'll all be here when I get back though, and I imagine that this opportunity surely outweighs the importance of a few more weeks of relaxation at home...

I'm going into the trip without significant expectations; I want the experience to be India, not whether or not it was or wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I suppose I just want to listen to all that India has to say, with completely open ears.

I'm not sure how easily I'll be able to access the internet at the university, but I'll try to update this site as often as possible to keep the interested well-enough informed about what's happening over there across the globe.

Although I still have to finish packing, I've said goodbye to all of my friends and gathered together all the important documents (I'm hoping), so I guess now I just need to start soaking it all in and see what's in store.

Here's to a healthy dose of culture and a fulfilling experience...

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